Monday, February 8, 2010

Foster home report:
Maxx is a sweet 8 year old pup. He has a beautiful white with black patch coat, and beautiful eyes. He gets along great with other dogs and cats don't seem to be a problem either. He does need company either in the form of another dog(s) or people - he doesn't like being left alone which is understandable as until recently he has had his "sister" (BT's Dawn - aka Lady) always nearby. He is happy to adopt new siblings though, as it took only a few days to adjust to his foster home and his two greyhound housemates (and his people).

Maxx's disposition is on the shy, sensitive side. He apparently doesn't like thunderstorms but we haven't experienced this. We have also been told he doesn't like crates which didn't cause any problems in our house as our 2 residents don't typically use a crate either. He would just prefer to curl up in his bed to pass the time.

There's one thing about Maxx that's very different from other hounds we have experience with - though we have heard and read of this behavior. Maxx is one of those few dogs that actually smiles when he's excited or very happy. A greyhound smile can be a little shocking for someone that hasn't experienced it as it reveals his teeth. We were a little shocked the first time we experienced it ourselves (even though we understood it). Under normal circumstances the only time you would see a dog curl his top lip back would be when he's growling and trying to warn you off. For Maxxthe emotion driving the behavior is clearly at the opposite end of the spectrum. For Maxx, curling up your upper lip is a way of showing maximum joy and enthusiasm.

We see Maxx smile most often when we are getting ready to head out for a walk (Maxx loves his walks) or when we come home. His tail wags all over the place and he will look up at you all enthusiastic with his nose and lip wrinkled up. There is nothing threatening about the behavior - Maxx has to be one of the most gentile dogs we have been around in fact.


Team Zero Gravity said...

How cute that Maxx smiles. I have heard of other dogs doing that too. Hopefully you can get a picture sometime :)

Anonymous said...

Smilers are a lot of fun! Neither of our 1st 2 greys were smilers, and then along came Ray Ray. You do have to experience it first hand to appreciate it. It startled us the first time he did it even though we had been told he was a smiler. We have not yet been able to get it on film. So happy to hear Maxx has adjusted and is smiling for you. He sounds like a very sweet boy.

Lisa S.

Alisha said...

I have a smiler as well! It is the most AWESOME way to start your day. Gabby will only smile when she sees you first thing in the mornings and it is what makes loving her so easy. She shows how much she appreciates your time and affection, and for that you always want to provide more! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

My Rozlin smiles when she gets excited, as well. I love it but it comes and goes so quickly that I don't think I would ever be able to get the camera out fast enough to catch it.